Direct link to the article Responsive Designs and CSS Custom Properties: Defining Variables and Breakpoints

Responsive Designs and CSS Custom Properties: Defining Variables and Breakpoints

CSS custom properties (a.k.a. CSS variables) are becoming more and more popular. They finally reached decent browser support and are slowly making their way into various production environments. The popularity of custom properties shouldn’t come as a surprise, because …

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Direct link to the article Why Browsers Download Stylesheets with Non-Matching Media Queries

Why Browsers Download Stylesheets with Non-Matching Media Queries

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Say you have a stylesheet linked up like this:

<link href="mobile.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-width: 600px)">

But as the page loads, you’re on a desktop browser where the screen is 1753px wide. The browser should just skip loading that stylesheet …

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