Articles by

Eduardo Bouças

Software engineer with a crush on the web. Writes, codes and occasionally speaks. Preaches open-source.

Creating a Static API from a Repository

When I first started building websites, the proposition was quite basic: take content, which may or may not be stored in some form of database, and deliver it to people’s browsers as HTML pages. Over the years, countless products used …

How To Use WebPageTest and its API

While the richness and interactivity of the average website has changed dramatically over the last decade, the same can be said about the expectations of those who consume it. This page has a list of reports that show how businesses …

On Keeping Breakpoints DRY

The following is a guest post by Eduardo Bouças. Eduardo is back to follow up on his journey of approaching media queries programatically. He’ll catch you up on how this started, where it’s went, and how that’s going.

(Updated on )

Approaches to Media Queries in Sass

Using media queries in CSS as part of responsive websites is bread and butter stuff to todays front-end developer. Using preprocessors to make them more comfortable to write and easier to maintain has become common practice as well.

I spent …

(Updated on )