Comments on: ABEM. A more useful adaptation of BEM. Tips, Tricks, and Techniques on using Cascading Style Sheets. Tue, 02 Apr 2019 10:30:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniel Tonon Sun, 31 Dec 2017 21:27:34 +0000 In reply to Sérgio Santos.

Yep it was a BEVM article :)

I tried using the –V syntax for a bit but I ended up dropping it in favour of always using -M syntax. I couldn’t find any situation where –V was more useful than the -M syntax and the article I read suggested that the –V wasn’t critical anyway and you could forget about it if you wanted to.

By: Daniel Tonon Sun, 31 Dec 2017 21:19:32 +0000 In reply to Léonard Messier.

I’m not against the idea.

I don’t agree with the full premise behind the article where he wants us to try and avoid classes as much as possible. I’m worried about specificity getting out of control. Also [type=text] doesn’t cover all the other text box style inputs like email. I also think it would make the style sheet kind of messy.

It’s not a bad idea using the semantic aria attributes for state based styling though instead of modifier classes where possible.

By: Daniel Tonon Sun, 31 Dec 2017 20:24:28 +0000 In reply to James T.

I’m not a fan of using Atomic CSS libraries like Basscss and Tachyons.

This article gives a great run down of all the problems with that style of class naming:

“The Problem with Atomic CSS”

It sounds like you are a CSS-in-JS fan.

Firstly CSS-in-JS only works if the site is built entirely in something like React/Vue. Building a site in that way only makes sense if there is an immense amount of state changing all the time. Something like a simple brochure style site where there is practically no state changes to worry about shouldn’t be built in React/Vue.

Secondly I’m just not a fan of CSS-in-JS. It’s mainly a personal preference thing but this article does an ok job of outlining why you might avoid using CSS-in-JS:

“Stop using CSS in JavaScript for web development”

By: James T Sun, 31 Dec 2017 11:58:52 +0000 Still bad enough to use BEM, why can Functional CSS work for these case where you could be using templating engine or react/vue/hyperapp to reuse your component and modifier according to data?

In most case, Functional CSS just like Semantic HTML is easier to look at.

By: Léonard Messier Fri, 29 Dec 2017 01:30:33 +0000 Hi,

Thanks for this article ! I’ve only scratched the surface of BEM I always had a bad feeling about this rule on single class selectors in OOCSS in general, and applied in BEM with horrible looking classes.

Now, since adding some specificity through combined classes seems perfectly logical, would it be possible, instead of using classes, to use aria attributes when it makes sense and when it is possible like it is proposed here :

The specificity would be the same than with classes and we would benefit a more semantic approach.

What do you think ?

By: Daniel Tonon Fri, 22 Dec 2017 16:33:47 +0000 In reply to Vsevolod Trofimov.

For point 1, I know that IE11 supports the dash prefix at the start of classes. All other IE’s are essentially dead now.

I’m interested in seeing what mobile browsers don’t support it. I’m guessing Opera Mini since Opera Mini barely supports anything. Fortunately it isn’t a browser I personally need to support.

As for point 2, I still think separating the modifier is better. The issues you raised sound more like an issue around a lack of training or a lack of resources (so BE devs have to write FE code). If used properly, it makes sites easier to maintain and the html much easier to read.

By: Vsevolod Trofimov Fri, 22 Dec 2017 13:43:36 +0000 Regarding the -modifier

You might have stumbled upon my artice on medium which I posted in march 2016 and deleted after conversation with a developer from yandex.

We removed -modifier from our project for several reasons:
1. IE and some mobile browsers do not support classes starting with -
2. The problem with specificity is that somebody begins to use chained modifiers and we go back to specificity hell

(for example btn -icon -tiny and overrides padding rules of -tiny with fixed height \ width for smaller icon button using something like .btn.icon.tiny and other modifiers stop working due to specificity)

By the way
BEM is methodology, naming conventon is just a part of it.

By: Sérgio Santos Thu, 21 Dec 2017 08:32:54 +0000 Probably “your” -modifier concept comes from reading an article about BEVM. BEVM block__element--variation -modifier is a BEM variation that adds chainable modifiers. I’ve been using a form of it for a couple of years.

By: Terry Tue, 19 Dec 2017 11:01:19 +0000 Harry Roberts suggested a similar thing a couple of years ago. I’ve been using a form of it ever since:

By: Daniel Tonon Tue, 19 Dec 2017 09:13:29 +0000 In reply to Ken.

I think the cleanest way to handle it in your example would be to apply the modifier to the molecule and use &.-colourName { color: [colour-name]; } to apply the change of colour since colour can be inherited.

By: Daniel Tonon Tue, 19 Dec 2017 08:41:43 +0000 In reply to Ofek.

My main gripe with that method is that it creates a huge amount of extra gunk in your css style sheets. You are then forcing your users to download all that extra gunk when they visit your site.

Say you have 50 buttons on your site that extend the .button component. This is the sort of css you end up with:

/* another 47 selectors */
.search-form__submit {

 /* button default styles */


/* !!! another 94 selectors !!! */
.search-form__submit:focus {

 /* button hover & focus styles */


That was just one button with default styling and hover/focus styling applied. You can see how ridiculous that can get.

Now compare that to this:

.button {

 /* button default styles */


.button:hover, .button:focus {

 /* button hover & focus styles */


Using classes the way they were intended keeps your css lean and clean.

Also, never extend a class directly. Only ever extend sass % classes. Extending classes directly can cause some really weird and unexpected side-effects to occur.

So instead of this:

.button {
 // button styles

.subscribe-form__submit {
  @extend .button;

You should do this:

%button {
 // button styles

.button {
  @extend %button;

.subscribe-form__submit {
  @extend %button;
By: Daniel Tonon Tue, 19 Dec 2017 08:02:21 +0000 In reply to Ken.

I’m glad you enjoyed the article :)

I didn’t really want to go too deep into how atomic design works with this article since that is a deep enough topic to fill a full article on it’s own. It was out of scope for this one.

I’m wondering why you aren’t using camelCase? I spent a third of the article explaining why you should be using camelCase when using ABEM :/

As for your question, it depends a lot on context. Under what circumstances do you want the text to be coloured differently?

If you only want the colour to change on these particular atoms when it is in this specific molecule then it might be best doing the colour change as context sensitive styles. Context sensitive styles don’t have to be used for layout exclusively, it’s just the most common need for them. They should be used whenever you need to apply styles based on what the parents are.

If you want to be able to apply this change to the colour in a more general sense then it’s probably better to apply the -colourName class to the atoms directly.

If you want the two to be linked you could apply the .-colourName class to the molecule, then in the atom scss files you can do this sort of thing &.-colourName, .- colourName & { ... }. That will apply the colour if the modifier is applied to either the element itself or a parent.

I think the cleanest way to handle it in your example would be to apply the modifier to the molecule and use &.-colourName { color: [colour-name]; } to apply the change of colour since colour can be inherited.

It all depends on context and under what circumstances you want the colour to be applied though.

By: Daniel Tonon Tue, 19 Dec 2017 07:21:13 +0000 In reply to Illarion.

No reason you can’t incorporate is- into the ABEM modifier syntax. You could do something like this .-is-modifierName. See what I mean by camelCase allowing you to create your own custom groupings?

I like keeping the dash at the start since it is still a modifier name and a dash start = modifier.

By: Illarion Mon, 18 Dec 2017 11:46:10 +0000 Thank you for sharing your methodology. I’d also recommend taking a look at SUIT CSS naming convention:

In my opinion, SUIT component state classes are more explicit by adding is- prefix instead of a single dash.

By: Ken Sun, 17 Dec 2017 17:11:53 +0000 First let me say I really enjoyed this article and have been playing with the idea since reading it. The frustrating part of this is that I can’t find any examples in this article or in others of how atoms and molecules relate to each other.
For example, if I have a headline atom a-headline and then need to put this atom and a a-text atom into a molecule of m-section-header, but need the text to be different colors, where does that modifier get applied? On the molecule level or the atom level? Would I wrap the h3 and p tags in a div and give that div something like m-section-header__title and m-section-header__text adding the color changes to those divs? I’ve used BEM for about two years now and love the idea of intergrating atomic design, but it’s throwing me off a bit.

See the Pen ABEM Experiments by Kendall (@KendallWhitman) on CodePen.
