SvelteKit is in public beta

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Rich Harris:

Think of it as Next for Svelte. It’s a framework for building apps with Svelte, complete with server-side rendering, routing, code-splitting for JS and CSS, adapters for different serverless platforms and so on.

Great move. I find Next.js a real pleasure to work with. I’ve hit some rough edges trying to get it to do what are probably non-standard things, but even then, I was able to get past them and have had a pretty great developer experience, while producing something that I’d like to think is going to be a pretty great user experience, too.

I always want server-side rendering. I want a blessed routing solution. I want pre-made smart solutions for common tasks and elegant solutions for hard problems. Packaging something like that up for Svelte in a core project seems very smart, just as it’s smart for Vue to have Nuxt.js. Maybe even smarter, they resisted naming it Svxt.js which was surely the right call.

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