Articles by

Šime Vidas

Editor at the Open Web Platform Daily Digest

Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Emoji String Length, Issues with Rounded Buttons, Bundled Exchanges

Weekly Platform News: Emoji String Length, Issues with Rounded Buttons, Bundled Exchanges

In this week’s roundup, the string length of two emojis is not always equal, something to consider before making that rounded button, and we may have a new way to share web apps between devices, even when they are offline.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Apple Deploys Web Components, Progressive HTML Rendering, Self-Hosting Critical Resources

Weekly Platform News: Apple Deploys Web Components, Progressive HTML Rendering, Self-Hosting Critical Resources

In this week’s roundup, Apple gets into web components, how Instagram is insta-loading scripts, and some food for thought for self-hosting critical resources.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator

Weekly Platform News: Text Spacing Bookmarklet, Top-Level Await, New AMP Loading Indicator

In this week’s roundup, a handy bookmarklet for inspecting typography, using await to tinker with how JavaScript modules import one another, plus Facebook’s in-app browser is only posing as one. Let’s get into the news!…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Improving UX on Slow Connections, a Tip for Writing Alt Text and a Polyfill for the HTML loading attribute

Weekly Platform News: Improving UX on Slow Connections, a Tip for Writing Alt Text and a Polyfill for the HTML loading attribute

In this week’s roundup, how to determine a slow connection, what we should put into alt text for images, and a new polyfill for the HTML loading attribute, plus more.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: HTML Loading Attribute, the Main ARIA Specifications, and Moving from iFrame to Shadow DOM

Weekly Platform News: HTML Loading Attribute, the Main ARIA Specifications, and Moving from iFrame to Shadow DOM

In this week’s roundup of platform news, Chrome introduces a new attribute for loading, accessibility specifications for web developers, and the BBC moves visualizations to the Shadow DOM.…

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: Preventing Image Loads with the Picture Element, the Web We Want, Svg Styles Are Not Scoped

Weekly Platform News: Preventing Image Loads with the Picture Element, the Web We Want, Svg Styles Are Not Scoped

In this week’s week roundup of browser news, a trick for loading images conditionally using the picture element, your chance to tell bowser vendors about the web you want, and the styles applied to inline SVG elements are, well, not …

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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: CSS ::marker pseudo-element, pre-rendering web components, adding Webmention to your site

Weekly Platform News: CSS ::marker pseudo-element, pre-rendering web components, adding Webmention to your site

In this week's roundup: datepickers are giving keyboard users headaches, a new web component compiler that helps fight FOUC, we finally get our hands on styling list item markers, and four steps to getting webmentions on your site.
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Direct link to the article Weekly Platform News: HTML Inspection in Search Console, Global Scope of Scripts, Babel env Adds defaults Query

Weekly Platform News: HTML Inspection in Search Console, Global Scope of Scripts, Babel env Adds defaults Query

In this week’s look around the world of web platform news, Google Search Console makes it easier to view crawled markup, we learn that custom properties aren’t computing hogs, variables defined at the top-level in JavaScript are global to other …

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