Sass Selector Combining

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Brad Frost was asking about this the other day…

.c-btn {
  &__icon {

I guess that’s technically “nesting” but the selectors come out flat:

.c-button__icon { }

The question was whether you do that or just write out the whole selector instead, as you would with vanilla CSS. Brad’s post gets into all the pro’s and con’s of both ways.

To me, I’m firmly in the camp of not “nesting” because it makes searching for selectors so much harder. I absolutely live by being able to search my project for fully expanded class names and, ironically, just as Brad was posting that poll, I was stumped by a combined class like this and changed it in one of my own code bases.

Robin Rendle also notes the difficulty in searching as an issue with an example that has clearly gone too far!

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